Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Vintage 1979: We celebrate Alynne

Sometimes friendships don't start off in the fairy tale way that you'd hope.  In the case of Alynne and I, that would be the situation. but mostly because I insist on being dramatic about it.  It really wasn't that bad, but in my really bad memory, it comes off as a friendship that was destined to be doomed.

We both started working at Burger Baron when it opened in the P of A.  The kids from the two high schools sat in separated areas, channeling our inner Outsiders or West Side Story or something.  I remember sitting on the lower level with my friends from St. Mary's and looking up at the kids from Carlton.  There was the stunning blonde glaring at me.
So naturally I glared back. 
What happened over the course of those years, I sadly don't recall but all I know was that the glare was fruitless and we became fast friends, the end.  We must've bonded over the secret sauce.  Okay, maybe not so dramatic after all.

Since then Alynne and I have stuck together and the friendship has turned into a sisterhood where we don't glare at each other anymore.  We've lived together, stood up for each other in our weddings and have guided each other through the dark moments.  And now here we are, 20+ years later celebrating life together.

Alynne is one of those annoying chicks who radiates beauty all the time, but I'm not talking just in her looks (her hair/skin/eyes/butt are my fave in case you were wondering)- rather, Alynne is the kindest, sweetest and most genuine person you'll meet.  She's quiet but has a killer sense of humour with a side of sarcasm while being super intelligent.  I love that she budgets everything and can give a solid NO to not doing things because it's not in her budget.  She is raising some amazing humans and is really one of the biggest blessings that has ever stepped into our lives.

For Alynne's 40th she wanted to keep it chill.  Her wishess were the following: have a seafood boil at Bon Temps, go for a walk and not spend a lot of money.  
We interpreted that with the following agenda:

Part 1- Go for a walk.
We thought of doing a riverbank walk but then Sara I think found the Eco GlideAdventures  we figured that would be way more fun.  I'm pretty sure that's what she meant when she said "go for a walk" anyway.  I gotta say, this was probably one of the best things I've ever done on the riverbank- definitely a must do this summer.  We laughed, we learned and we saw the beauty of our city.

Part 2- Supper at Bon Temps.  We didn't deviate here because it's so delicious and we love it every time.

Part 3- The Gift.  Carmen found this cool idea of 40 letters that you can open au fur et à mesure.  There really isn't a better way to say that- sometimes French is so smart.    So we divied up the "open when" prompts and started putting them together (we used this website and had to be creative as some weren't pertinent) (if you google "open when letter prompts" you'll find tons more).  Candace made a box (actually 2 because there were so many) and we gifted Alynne with a variety of letters that she can open along the way.

Alynne- we are so grateful that you are our person and we can't wait to celebrate the next 40 with you!

* This article was originally published here

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