Saturday, August 24, 2019

This ol' house

I can still distinctly remember the first gathering of friends that we had in this home.  It was Lucia's 3rd birthday and we packed it full with our people. You know, those important ones that stand by you through life.  Do you have people like that in your life?

We had just entered into the growth hormone territory with Lucia and while I realize it wasn't a life or death situation, it was poignant to me to see people come out to celebrate and stand by our little girl.
Isn't it an amazing feeling to be supported?  There's something about a house full of your people that makes life so damn good.

This ol' house has played a grande role in our life.

I remember exactly where I was standing (pacing more like it) when Dan told me he needed to quit his job to join his brothers at Skipthedishes.  I had just taken the year away from the classroom and started part time cyber so I could be home with Lucia and that meant I would need to go back full time as he worked for equity. I remember staring out the huge window and pacing and being scared shitless but so full of hope.

I can recall Grams sitting in the rocking chair by the fireplace when she was starting to get sick and she constantly refused to be coddled and covered in a blanket.  She watched our outdoor New Year's Festivities from inside.

I will never forget that first night living in the country.  It is crazy how quiet it is out here and how dark the nights are.  I swear the colours at sunrise and sunset are even brighter out of town.

I remember watching Dan painstakingly search the entire 5 acres for rocks to build a rock wall.  He'd haul and haul and haul, regardless the weather.

Silly memory, but regardless will be etched in my mind- when Jose Bautista hit the infamous bat flip home run to beat the Rangers.  Willis ran and jumped into my arms and we danced around the living room.

How could I forget having my sister and her family live with us for four months! The basement became their zone.  Sounds crazy but it was so much fuN!

This ol' house, she is the keeper of so many wonderful memories.
I can't wait to see what the next home will hold.

* This article was originally published here

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